A visit from Santa!
Friday, December 19, 2008We got a surprise visit from Santa at our ward Christmas party. Ethan and Logan got right in there to tell him what they wanted for Christmas, but Emily wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. She was clinging to Lonnie and wouldn't even consider it. Then when all the kids cleared out and he was getting ready to leave that she was willing to go over-- not to sit on his lap but to ask him for the candy cane shape container of bubbles. She got close enough to ask but would not sit on his lap. An intersting side note today we were at the boys school for all the Christmas festivities and their mascot was walking around (a leopard) She almost ran up to him to say hi and was not shy about giving him a great big hug--go figure? I guess to Emily the man in the big red suit is much scarier than a leopard.

We are having a...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A baby who likes to suck their thumb!
We were a little worried that Emily was going to be upset because she has been very adamant that it was a girl. So we had the kids unwrap a present that had the ultrasound picture in it, a baby doll dressed in blue, and some blue booties. Even with all the blue it still took them a minute to figure it out. Emily seemed to care more about the "boy doll" than anything else. We'll just have to see if she really understands. The boys were very happy with the idea of another brother. Lonnie and I are just happy that He looks healthy and that Emily did not react negatively to the news of a little brother coming her way!

Time Out for Women
Monday, November 17, 2008Love ,

Precious moments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Halloween Kiddos!
Sunday, November 2, 2008In all of the craziness of the weekend I am just now getting these photos put up we had some cute little kiddos though, don't ya think? We had two nights of fun with a Trunk or Treat and Chili dinner on Thursday and then perusing the neighborhood Friday, all in all we ended up with way too much candy. But the kids had a great time! oh yeah just in case you can't tell we had an Anakin Skywalker-Indiana Jones-and a Lion.

Wildlife at home!
Sunday, October 19, 2008A Couple of weeks ago I saved this little bunny from our neighbors cat. I didn't know rabbits made any sounds but this tiny one sure squealed very loudly when our neighbors cat had it by the neck. I was sitting on the porch reading after the boys left on the bus, I looked up to see a cat with a tiny little bunny in his mouth. I chased him down and the cat dropped it, I scooped him up to make sure he was okay, a little scratched up but nothing terrible. It was then that Emily woke up and came out to find me. After the bunny calmed down for a minute she sat and held it for a long while. It took some convincing but I finally talked her into finding the bunny a safe place to call home. We walked behind our house and found a little grove of trees and set it free. She was sad for a while and asked all day if we could go say back and say hi to the bunny.

Who is this guy?
Sunday, October 12, 2008I am so grateful that he was just teasing and finished shaving it off. It was hard enough looking at him to take this photo, he just looked so completely unlike my gorgeous guy it gave me the shivers. Any way he is back to the clean shaven look these days and I am really enjoying having my guy back! Just thought I would share the shivers with ya'll.

Buddy Walk 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008We joined our good friends Rhonda & Ryan Richins and their daughter-- Kendall for the 2008 Buddy walk. Kendall and her little brother were both born with an extra chromosome, and they have found a wonderful support system from the down syndrome of louisville center. We walked this year to honor and support Kendall and in memory of precious little Kallen who despite his many health problems, fought and lived for 105 days.
Our family really enjoyed being there with our friends and helping to support this great cause. There were over 70 people on the Special K (K for Kendall and Kallen) team alone. What a great turnout! Thanks for letting us be a part of something great!
There were hundreds maybe thousands of people there walking and they think that they will raise almost $200,000 this year.
What an exciting thing to be a part of! Go Kendall!

Just checking to see who reads this regularly!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Check out the new counter we added to blog, What do ya think?

Crazy Winds from hurricane Ike!
Monday, September 15, 2008
We had a very windy Sunday yesterday we went to church and had our entire block of meetings without the benefit of electricity. It was kind of interesting to do it a little differently than normal. It got a little warm during Sacrament meeting but with the open windows in the classrooms the "breeze" cooled us off.

After church we headed home to find our house without power as well, so we pulled the camp stove out and made dinner roughing it style. After dinner the doorbell rang and it was our good friends Ben & Renee Sisloff they came to tell us about the tree that fell in their backyard. We had just finished inspecting our wooden swingset which had been pushed about 8 inches due to high winds. We later found that gust were measured at the airport at 75 mph.
We decide to walk over and see the tree at the Sisloffs and found Neal & Cindy (the mom dad) outside taking pics of the damage. Wow it was crazy! The biggest & strongest looking tree in their yard had come crashing into the back of their house taking out the deck and damaging some windows and the edge of the roof. This is probably the tree you would never expect to fall it looked so strong. However it had grown to a massage height all the while it was growing it sat atop of a bed of rock. This massive tree had roots only about 16-18 inches deep.
Luckily nobody was at home when it happened and the damage to their home didn't make it unlivable. Here are a few pics to give you one angle of the damage.

Camping in Kentucky!
Sunday, September 7, 2008 We all enjoyed an excursion to Mammoth Cave-- It is the worlds longest cave and we just saw a little tiny portion of it but what we saw was very refreshing. the temperature year round is about 54 degrees. It was amazing as we walked around the corner to the steps down to the cave and we could feel this rush of cool air. It was interesting to head deep into the earth and come into this massive room of rock. We all really enjoyed this part of the trip it was hard to leave the cool air of the cave and head back to our hot campsite.
It was great having Tony, Stacie, and the kids with us. We took turns making dinner and not only did Stacie make a great dinner but she made a yummy chocolate cherry dessert to top it off! We hope they enjoyed the trip as much as we did.
We gained a renewed appreciation for the comforts of home!

First day of school!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Our Trip to Nashville
Sunday, August 3, 2008What a marvelous adventure we had on this trip with Grandma & Grandma Mecham. We had no idea how "Grand" this trip would be. We stayed at the Gaylord Opryland hotel. It had several indoor gardens, one had a small river running around it, with a mini- city in the center of it. This was the most recent addition called the Delta atrium, the pictures just don't do it justice. We had a great time, not only was the hotel quite amazing, but it was next to a large mall with many adventures there as well. We couldn't do everything so we chose the Aquarium restaraunt and the Stingray Reef (with carousel or carriages as Emily called them) This was an especially fun find. Not a very expensive one either, which made it even better. Well when it was time to be done-- it was a sad moment not only had we had a great time with Grandma & Grandpa, but it was an amazing place to be. Thanks for inviting us along on your adventure, it is one we won't forget.

We promise it won't be that long again.
Then it was on to the farm in Roosevelt. This is our kids "happy place" they never want to leave the horses and farming. Not to mention the swing ,the trampoline, and uncle Wayne's 4 wheeler, and most importantly Grandpa & Grandma spoiling them every time we turned around. With wonderful goodies and so many wonderful people who wouldn't find this their happy place!
If this wasn't enough we headed to the cabin for more fishing, boating, and relaxing fun! It's a wonderful place that we can all be together comfortably and enjoy precious moments together. Thanks for making this a tradition!
Then we wrapped the time up with a weekend with Devin, Camille, Connor, Janae, and Jeremy. The Quigley side. We enjoyed a little shopping, swimming, and had quite the adventure thanks to our wonderful cousin Katrina. She got us a great deal, and we all got a chance to play on the FlowRider ( this is like a permanent wave that you can surf or boogie board on). Even Emily played in the water a little since it was her birthday. Be sure to check out the pictures I am including them as well.
We had a blast this is just a brief synopsis of our fun! But in spite of it all we were kind of ready to come home. We were literally having too much fun! We needed to sleep in our own beds and get a little more rest. So we will be ready for next time!
As far as the pictures go I have sat here and tried to decide which ones to put on and i can't so I am going to make a couple of slide shows they are all so cute i want to share-- so the slideshows are coming, but I gotta help put the kids to bed first...

We love boating!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday some friends invited us to go boating with them. We all brought food and had a great time together. The kids all loved being in the boat--being in the water--being on the tube! You name it they had a blast! Lonnie and I really enjoyed it too! All three "boys" went for a long ride on the tube, I was exhausted just watching Lonnie with a boy on each side. Then Emily wanted to go and of course, that means it is my turn. Thankfully it wasn't to long before Emily was "all done" but she still had fun. When they stopped the boat to pull us in she was quite upset because she wanted to jump back into the water. I am not sure how it happened but our kids are such water fanatics, they just can't get enough of the stuff!
Anyhow we had a great time, Thanks again to the Gremmerts who put the whole shindig together--You Rock!
Here are a few pictures of our fun...

Here is a little clip of all three "boys" on the tube...

Cicadas invade us
Friday, June 13, 2008We have been educating ourselves about these bugs over the last 3-4 weeks since we have been over taken by them. They are so loud and there are so many of them that when you drive down the freeway, windows up, and a/c on you can still hear the constant hum. the kids have become more comfortable with them and I took a few photos of their cicada hunt today. Notice our blossoming magnolia tree, it is so fragrant. The bugs are big here but we still love Kentucky. I am grateful that they won't last forever. There seem to be fewer every day, but still seem to be everywhere. Even though they are very annoying they are very interesting. They hibernate under ground for 13-17 years and then they come out and lay their eggs. At least this is the first summer we have had to deal with them and it will probably be the last. Here are a few pics...

Kentucky Horse Park
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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