Sweet steps!

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Our little man is getting so brave. Even though it makes me a little sad that he is growing so fast - He is just so adorable I can't help but have fun watching him explore! I hope you enjoy this little clip....

- Sorry for any typos this is posted from my iPhone

Snow day!

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Here's a bit of our snow day fun today...

***A BIG Thank you to Robin, John, and Emily Cotton-- for tending baby, filling tubes, playing with us, and hot cocoa too! What a fun day!


Happy birthday!

Saturday, January 2, 2010
I just wanted to take a second and remember how blessed I am to be married to a wonderful, funny, amazingly supportive, and darn good lookin guy!
I am so glad I get to spend the NEXT 35 years with him!

PS Daddy & Ty resting for a minute while we waited to get off the ship!


Trek to the terminal!

We made it! Our crew made the jaunt through the streets of New Orleans! So excited to get to our big adventure!

We are on board and heading out to sea now, but it is going to take us a while to get out to sea we have to travel through the Mississippi to get to the gulf! We'll see if this will download...

It didn't download but we are back now so I will post it!

- Sorry for any typos this is posted from my iPhone