Well my darling oldest child came home last week and informed us that he was going to run for school historian. My first question was "what exactly does the school historian do?" his response, "I don't know, I think take pictures and stuff." Actually he was partially right, he will need to take pictures at school functions and keep a record of school activities. He would also be a member of the student council.
Well we spent much of the weekend brainstorming ideas (he had some pretty big ideas) then making campaign posters. I think I've had my fill of poster making for a while! Now he is writing his speech, I hope this is a positive experience for him irregardless of the outcome! He will do a great job, I hope he gets the chance!
-Sorry for any typos this is posted from my iPhone
Well we spent much of the weekend brainstorming ideas (he had some pretty big ideas) then making campaign posters. I think I've had my fill of poster making for a while! Now he is writing his speech, I hope this is a positive experience for him irregardless of the outcome! He will do a great job, I hope he gets the chance!
-Sorry for any typos this is posted from my iPhone