Old Indianette attire

Thursday, January 27, 2011
While working in the storage room tonight we stumbled upon my old drill team costume. Emily had to put the whole ensemble on, Ethan was only jealous of the headdress. He wanted a turn at being the Indian. As soon as it was on his head-- up popped the imaginary bow, hilarious the imagination that kid has.

Wow I had forgotten how ugly these costumes are, does anyone know if they still wear these? We begged for a new style but were always given the denial, because they were a school tradition.

- Sorry for any typos this is posted from my iPhone


Patsy Mecham said...

Hey, I think they look great. What fun. Getting so excited about you being closer. Love, Mom

superman said...

Wow! Those kids looks cute with there attire! And your blog looks beautiful too!

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