This next step in our journey has been literally a trial of my faith. We have known since we moved to Illinois last May that we would ultimately be moving again to the Las Vegas Nevada area within the year. As daunting as it seemed to move twice in a one year span with our four children, we were most excited about the prospect of living close to our precious families once again. It has been almost five years since we moved eastward and our family has grown as have our children. It will be wonderful to see those we love more than once a year. That said, I didn't know just how hard it was going to be to do something simple like finding a house.
In November Lonnie and I flew out to the area and began our search, looking at many nice homes with a wonderful realtor who we really came to trust. (All blessings I didn't recognize at the time) We found a house that we loved made an offer and flew home. After 2 weeks of waiting we finally learned that we didn't have the highest bid on the home which was owned by a bank so we were back at the drawing board. But now we were thousands of miles away and had to rely on our gracious realtor's opinion along with lots and lots of pictures.
To try to shorten the story- we found so many wonderful homes making offers on each, only to find our (my) hopes dashed by losing out to higher offers or cash offers. I became very depressed and lets just say my faith in this exciting move was wavering a bit. However after a wonderful lesson in Relief Society one Sunday on scripture study I found a renewed strength. I turned to the Lord in study and prayer, and with His help and guidance I once again found the strength to push forward into our home search.
We found this home and one other but we were drawn to this one, it is not in the Henderson area where we were certain we wanted to be. It is on the south western side of Las Vegas in an area very near the mountains. We feel guided and blessed to have found this home and we are very excited to actually get to walk through the doors and see our new home. We will be leaving here in about 3 weeks, so we have much to prepare but we are blessed to feel the guidance of our Heavenly Father in this crazy leap of faith.
We may not be heading out to an unknown land where we will have to walk or carry our belongings in wagons, BUT I am feeling a little of what I imagine the pioneers felt. I am packing up our little family and heading out to a place unknown to me, and trusting in my Heavenly Father to guide us all along the way.
With love,
P.S. Our realtor called last night as she was at the home again and wanting to know if we had any more questions. After she answered them and was leaving the home she came outside to see a dozen kids playing in the cul-de-sac. She asked their ages and they were kind enough to tell her that they were 9, 6, 7, 5,10, and 3. Still brings tears to my eyes, I really wanted to find a neighborhood where our kids could play and make new friends....looks like Heavenly Father knows where we need to be much better than I do.

I'm so glad it's all working out for you guys. I don't know how you've moved so many times. That's seriously some faith! We're excited to have you closer to the family!
Oh Angel, I'm so glad it has worked out so well. He truly does know whats best for us, and he will watch over and bless you and your little family because of your faithfulness. Love you guys and wish you a happy smooth move!
I am so excited to have you closer to home to see you more often!! Caden and I will have to take a trip to visit when you get settled!! Good luck with yet another move!! -Texie
Good luck on the move. I'm glad that things worked out for you guys. I hope that everything goes smooth with the move and your new neighbors.
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