WooHoo my new website is ready!

Friday, October 15, 2010
Hey Family & Friends,
My new website is READY, I am announcing it to the world today! This is me biting my nails... No I am really excited to share it with you please check it out and let me know what you think!
It also has a blog where I will be posting fun ideas and projects that you can do with vinyl... (see the blog and enter to win the free giveaway today)
Also if you are on facebook we are giving away more stuff check it out...


Katrina and James said...

I didn't realize that you were doing so much with your vinyl! I may have to place an order- is this your own business?

Simply 2 Inspire said...

Yep, I am a little crazy but it's mine. My ultimate goal is to spread the work among consultants who will sell and do some of the finish work on the vinyl. But first things first we are starting with the website and trying to get the kinks out of it first.