Ethan's Baptism

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I am a little behind in adding this post...but I finally got the pictures downloaded so here goes.

Ethan chose to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints...

on Saturday April 30, 2011.

What a sweet boy he is, so kind and imaginative. He was so grown up and thoughtful about all the things he felt that day. When I asked him how he felt when he came up out of the waters of baptism he said that he felt good and warm. He was smiling as only Ethan can... from ear to ear. The room was filled with family members who made the trek down to Las Vegas to be with him, it is nice that we live close enough now that we can be with family on these special occassions. He later wrote in an essay at school about his family, he said "I have lots of family and I know they love me a lot." I pray that he will remember the peace he felt this day so that he will be strong enough to face the trials in his life, that are certain in this world we live!

In fact that very day he was amazingly strong as he faced the trial of getting 8 stitches in his chin. While playing in the pool with cousins, one cousin jumped up and his head collided with Ethan's chin. I was able to keep my cool even though I really wanted to freak out, it was a very open gaping wound. Lonnie and I took him to the urgent care center where they got us in right away and sure enough said he needed stitches. The nurse was a little skeptical until I pulled the washcloth away and she had a look, she immediately left to get the doctor. I think it's because we were all so calm she thought there was no way it was very bad! ;)

It took approximately 1 hour for the doctor to stitch him up he was so strong, he layed there with his face covered up all except his chin. Lonnie and I held his hands and stroked his legs, but it was so hard to watch him have to go through this. Especially when those silent tears were rolling down his cheeks. He is not always the strongest kid when it comes to those kid bang ups and bruises- but today he was stronger than most adults, the doctor could not get over how well he did! Yeah Ethan! Sorry your first trial came so soon.

I am so grateful to have Ethan in our family he has a sweet soft heart, and is a joy to have around. Thank you to my Father in Heaven for trusting us with this sweet little man. (As well as the other 3 wonderfully imperfect kiddos)



Patsy Mecham said...

Yup. That is one sweet, strong boy. Thanks for the post.

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